Merry Christmas 2017

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Hello Lunatics!

Happiest season in the year has finally come and we are glad to celebrate it with you all!
Christmas is here and we want to have some fun with you guys by making a few events where every one of you can participate.

On behalf of the whole staff team, the Community Relations team would like to thank everyone who supported us through this year, and of course, we wouldn't be here without you, Thank you very much!!!

Finally, we are very excited to host these events along with the Christmas Update the development team has been working on for weeks, let's go.



Lunatics, we are having a Team Deathmatch event every day starting from now until December 31st, grab your closest friends and group to defeat all your enemies and get the big prize!

Winner: 15,000 Materials



We are also having a special duel event everyday from now and until December 31st. Make sure you sharpen your 1v1 skills and be ready to raise with the victory.

Winner: Full Weapon Set + 200 Armor



Don't you miss your yonger days where you used to chill on the streets with your friends and riding bikes? I really know you do. A BMX race will be hosted for you to remember those good old days.

Event will be hosted at December 26th at 10:00 pm Server Time.

Winner: Mountain Bike + 30,000 Materials



Do you remember when we used to hunt witches around Los Santos? They are back in Elf form to do antics and Los Santos a mess! Grab your best guns and chase them until their death.

Event will be hosted on December 25th at 10:00 am Server Time.

Winner: 5,000 Materials per Elf killed




What do you want as a gift for Christmas? Because I am pretty sure our favorite fat red-dressed man (Barney) can make any wish become true!

Write a letter to our beloved Papa Barney explaining what do you want for yourself this Christmas. A fat bank account? a brand new vehicle? maybe a hot e-girlfriend? everything is up to you!

Send the letter via forum PM to @Orlando in order to participate.

Winner: 100,000 Materials



It's true that Christmas is probably the most important holiday for a big part of the world population. Time of union, share and love with our friends and family. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, neighbors, mom and dad, we are surrounded by the most important persons in our lives.

Take a screenshot or take a picture with your camera of you and your friends wearing a Santa Hat Toy, you may also edit your picture using any kind of software like Photoshop or Corel to make it look even better!

Upload your picture to Imgur and send the link via forum PM to @Orlando in order to participate.

Winner: 4 Hours Double-XP + Full Weapon Set for everyone in the picture.



If you think you've got a voice of an angel then come you'll want to participate in this.
Lawless Roleplay is well known for having the best singing staff all around SAMP (John, Dominic, Immad) but we truly believe there are also a few players that can count wth a beautiful voice.

Record yourself singing a Christmas Carol and make sure you mention your IG name either at the beginning or at the end of the song, otherwise IT WON'T COUNT.

Upload your recording to SoundCloud and send the link via forum PM to @Orlando in order to participate.

Winner: Tier 2 Business!




Do you find yourself as a master decorator? Did you already place the lights around your house? Are the snowman and the christmas tree done placed in your garden? I really hope so.

Decorate your own land with christmas objects and show us your deepest holiday spirit, take a picture of it and you may also edit your picture using any kind of software like Photoshop or Corel to make it even more fresh.

Upload your picture to Imgur and send the link via forum PM to @Orlando in order to participate.

Winner: House + Dynamic Door



Are you addicted to Lawless even in Christmas? We will see. I don't think anyone could complete this giveaway tho LOL.

Log-in into Lawless for 5 consecutive days and take a screenshot showing the /time.

Upload your pictures to Imgur and send the link via forum PM to @Orlando in order to participate.

Winner: Tier 3 Vehicle + NRG-500 + A very special USERTITLE!




Time for you to show us how much luck you got. Papa Barney is very happy that Christmas is here and he will pick one random player to get a prize. All you have to do is make a comment in this thread.

Write a comment in this post with the following sentence: "ALL I WANT IS PAPA BARNEY TO PICK ME!"
A random comment will be chosen as the winner.

Winner: IVY Flower for 1 month!




As many of you might already know, our facebook page is hosting daily events where you can earn drugs, weapons and more by just commenting on their posts! But now that Christmas is here, we will make those giveaways BIGGER so you can have more easy Drugs and Guns.

Follow our Facebook page for enhanced giveaways every day.

Winners will be announced on January 1st!



Sincerely yours,

Orlando Flocka
Chief of Multimedia.

(Credits to @Pato)



General Administrator
Dec 11, 2016
Looks cool ma man
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