Update! Server Update v1.4.60

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Server Update v1.4.60
In the past few updates, the feedback has been impressively positive from the community and we aim to continue this trend with this update.

This new part time job is found at Pizza Stack in Idlewood. It is very profitable and fun to do. Our team has so much fun that they made a funny release video!


Rank 5 and above gang leaders can view the previous 30 gang log entries for invites, uninvites, promotions, demotions, safe withdrawals/ deposits and other changes.


In preparation for summer, you can now place boomboxes outside! Beach party, anyone?


There is now a brand new nametag design based on player feedback.


Shooting is one of the most important aspects of the server. As a result, we have stopped using external plugins and instead made our own custom one.


Features and Changes
- Added ability to play boombox outside of interiors
- Added /ganglogs for rank 5s and above which will show the previous 30 gang log entries
- Invites
- Uninvites (ouninvite, quit and uninvite)
- Promoted
- Demoted
- Safe withdrawals
- Safe deposits
- Gang creation
- Gang deletion
- Family Changes (name, safe move and rank names)
- MOTD Edits
- Complete overhaul of custom weapon damage solution to solve every single sync issue known
- Kill shot now will make you do cool animations
- Updated nametag design
- Added pizza delivery part-time job
- Added /gunmodcar for gang vehicles
- If you have over 100 health or 100 armor, you will get green bonus bars to indicate your health
- If you are in a vehicle, your health or armor will not show
- Nametag will not show armor if you don't have armor
- Turf Perk: Drug Den gives you 100 g pot
- Turf Perk: Crack House gives you 100 g crack
- Turf Perk: Chemical Lab gives you 100 ounces of chemicals
- Implemented unity and all saints wall fixes
- Increased 9mm price in gun stores to $500
- Added discord to /info
- Disabled anniversary fair (forgot)
- Increased shotgun price to $1,100, rifle price to $1,800, light armor price to $500, medium armor price to $800 and health to $250 in gun stores
- Adjusted /hwarn message when they can't afford to pay the fine
- Turfs cannot be shut down by factions after 30 minutes of turf starting
- You no longer can shake hands while cuffed, hospitalized, tied or tazed
- You can no longer use /kill while wanted
- Rank 3 and above LSFMD can now use /ram
- Secret service (Government, division 5) now has access to LEO commands
- Only FBI can now see players radio frequencies on /frisk
- Increased vending machine prices from $2 to $15
- Removed health from gun stores
- You now have to pay $750 to repair your car in pay and sprays
- Trialling 12 turf capture limit for gangs (used to be 6)
- Increased cane damage to 4
- Increased baseball bat, katana, pool stick, shovel, gold club and nitestick damage to 5
- Increased knife damage to 50
- Happy place now saves
- Removed notoriety loss if you were /prisoned or /happyplaced
- You now get a custom message once auto released from admin prison or happyplace
- /time will tell you the time for happy place release
- A lot of stability fixes
- Universally renamed /killcheckpoint to /kcp (both still work)
- Universally renamed /nearestbusiness to /nb (both still work)
- Added pizza hat to the toy shop
- Added the ability to /hwarn players who are not online (just enter their full name using /hwarn)
- Added /calc and /cal as hotkeys for /calculate
- Adjusted fish text to "Your net is old and worn out or it's carrying more than it's recommended capacity. Try dropping some fish or risk losing it all" to make it clear that it could also be old net

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with /stats
- Fixed spelling mistake with Marksman
- Fixed a bug with /editturf stock
- Fixed a bug with admins deleting lands
- Fixed /usepot not letting you get 130 health
- Fixed spelling mistake on /vstorage
- Fixed a bunch of typos
- Fixed a bug with gang safe notice
- Fixed a bug with businesses saving
- Fixed /punlist which gave away undercover admins and black list admins
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to get over the maximum health or armor
- Fixed a bug with drug skills of FBI agents becoming lower with /deliver
- Fixed a bug with damage feed
- Fixed vehicle mods not saving for both gangs and players
- Fixed illegal mods from not automatically removing
- Removed gang bank stuff from /help
- Fixed not being able to /usechems to get pot to 130 health
- Fixed exploit letting /usechems and /usecrack to let armor hit 200.0
- You can now use /usechems and /usecrack to get 130 armor maximum
- Fixed bugs with /usepot not letting users to get over 100 health
- Fixed a bug with sync and /revive and /revivenear
- Fixed a bug with /odestroypvehicle
- Fixed a bug where /gpark would temporary remove gang vehicle mods
- Name changes now can handle up to 24 letters instead of 20
- Renamed Teamspeak to TeamSpeak
- Prison from /nmute, /gmute, /admute will auto remove you from Paintball
- Fixed a bug letting you access bank commands while not in the interior
- Fixed a bug with /car window
- Fixed a bug with bean bags
- Fixed a bug with namechanges costing FBI, HMA or Blacklist Admins money sometimes
- Fixed a bug with indicators bugging out
Sep 25, 2014
Like the new nametag system.

Also Inception much? A Paul movie inside a Paul movie? @HankS we are celebrities now.


Retired Admin
Old-School 2014
Apr 24, 2014

- Increased vending machine prices from $2 to $15

If someone uses the vending machine inside a gunstore to heal , does the money go to the owner?
Last edited:
Jun 20, 2016
- Increased 9mm price in gun stores to $500
- Increased shotgun price to $1,100, rifle price to $1,800, light armor price to $500, medium armor price to $800 and health to $250 in gun stores
- You can no longer use /kill while wanted
- Rank 3 and above LSFMD can now use /ram
- Only FBI can now see players radio frequencies on /frisk
- Increased vending machine prices from $2 to $15
- Removed health from gun stores
- You now have to pay $750 to repair your car in pay and sprays
Another tons of bullshit update


Sep 8, 2015
Nice update but pls implement the pot suggestions. Come on it's fresh RP content that gives gangs and LEO's more to do!!!! It is also requires minimal scripting.


Old-School 2014
Nov 22, 2014
yo the thing about not being able to see health in cars can be abused, no? easy health hacks/damage reducing no?

Revision 1.4.62
- Fixed anti-cheat for pizza bikes
- Fixed anti-cbug to allow events, paintball and on duty admins to cbug
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to place multiple radios in the same location
- When you on duty as a pizza driver, it tells you to press 'n' to complete the job
- Set all damages back to default apart from bat, knife, katana, cane, pool stick, shovel and golf club
- Added /poll and /vote for players
- Enabled default nametags

@Barney holy moly
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