Summer Feels

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Hell yeah! You know what time it is, Summer Time!, after getting stressed from all the work, deadlines, school, and more unlikeable events in the world. Then it would be safe to say that we finally have deserved our long break to enjoy and relax, right!? Don't have any plans or trips planned for this summer? Well, that's not a problem! We, the Public Relations team, have worked hard on bringing you several events to make your summer nice and cool and, of course, make you feel the heat!



The stunningly hot women were enjoying themselves a lady's only party on the beach when several perverts interrupted the party. The women were not happy about their party being discontinued, so they called themselves some firearms and stocked up to erase the perverts for good, but the perverts are not going down that quickly. They have gotten hold of a gun store that they took over with a vast amount of men. Somehow this
fight is taking place underwater to make sure that cops can not shoot them down with their boats!


Time: 21st of June, 2020
13:30 Server Time

Reward: Dynamic Door



The good old favorite
avoid the plane event will be held this summer event, the goal of this event is to prevent the plane that is trying to get you off the roof of a building located in Los Santos. The last one standing will win the event!


Time: 21st of June, 2020
14:00 Server Time

Reward: Infernus



One way to test your summer body is to fight hand to hand! We will have a boxing event to test your strength and might!

Time: 22nd of June, 2020
13:30 Server Time

Reward: Dynamic Door



Have you been helping your Allies pick locking their cuffs open? Perhaps you have also got lucky lately by flipping the coin or throwing the dices on the table, winning a stack of money? We are enthusiastic about bringing you a new event which will be held during the summer games. The next three known games will be combined to make a special event to
test your luck!:

Coin Flip round - Beginners round
You will be teleported to the duel event interior, where you will be asked to sit in a row. Afterward, we will start by asking you which side the coin will be flipped on, either heads or tails. If you guess it right, you will stay in the event; if not, then you will be disqualified.

Dice round - Semi-final round
In the second round, we will do a dice round, you and the admin will dice twice, and the one with the highest amount will win, you know what happens if you lose this one.

Picklocking - Final Round
When we still manage to have some competitors left, we will start the final round by "pick locking the admin." If you can picklock the admin's cuffs, then you'll stay in; if you fail, then you will be out! Sounds simple right?

Time: 22nd of June, 2020
14:00 Server Time

Reward: Elegant House



An event where people can answer some questions about
summer-related topics!
So stay tuned for some quizzes in-game!

Time: 21st of June, 2020
14:30 Server Time

Reward: 20,000 Materials per player who got the correct answer.



We will be having
giveaway events on our social media platforms!

The giveaway will
start on June 21, GMT+1, and will end on June 23, GMT+1.



Have you been laying relaxed under those cool breezing palm threes and came to think by yourself, "I wish that I would have had a squallo to drive with on the water and hook those girls up I saw earlier!". Well here is your chance by entering our giveaway!

How to enter the giveaway?
For those of you who have no idea about how to enter a giveaway and are participating in one for the first time, here's how you enter the giveaway:

  1. Login through any social media account, but bear in mind that you can only enter once using each social media account. The social media platforms choices that the giveaway offers are: Email, Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, and Twitter.
  2. There are four ways to enter the giveaway, the more ways you enter through, the higher your chances become to win the giveaway.
  3. Once the giveaway reaches its deadline, it will get closed automatically and will choose an entry itself. Whoever has that entry will win this lucky giveaway!
In order to participate, click on the image below:

The giveaway will start on June 20, GMT+1, and will end on June 23, GMT+1.

Reward: Squallo



This is the time to show your summer body off! Capture an image of yourself at the beach! To participate in this event, it is advisable to reply to the picture below!

Reward: Sandking



We are glad to announce a
double experience weekend which will start while hosting the summer events!


The Lawless Roleplay team is encouraging you to follow, like, and subscribe to our Social Media pages! The benefits of supporting our social media are significant as we are hosting constant giveaways for our players, meaning if you like, follow, or subscribe to our Social Media pages; you are first to see the giveaway!


Public Relations
Administrator Team
Whole Lawless Community

Koby Bronx

Retired Admin
Apr 14, 2014
The graphic design is kinda good, the rest of the events are fine but bro whos idea was to write the storyline behind the first event hahahahahahahahha
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